
Archives: Climate

Corporate Accountability organizers demand Big Polluters to stand down at climate talks

The Paris agreement will not protect people from the devastating impacts of climate change, nor will it require wealthy countries pay for their disproportionate role in causing this crisis.

“Fueling the Fire” focuses on the environmental destruction and public policy interference of the leading COP21 sponsors including fossil fuel conglomerates Engie ...

Articles include: Members of Congress challenge water privatization; Worst global corporation of the year? Clear mission + smart planning + ...

Godwin Ojo of Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth Nigeria delivering a call to the U.N. in front of an action at this week’s U.N. climate treaty meetings. Photo credit: Corporate Accountability International

For 20 years, the world'€s largest polluters have stymied progress on the U.N. climate treaty, using a range of strategies from direct lobbying and infiltrating country delegations to sponsoring the talks themselves.

Articles include: Stalling World-Bank-backed water privatization; Meet Akinbode Oluwafemi, director of allied organization Environmental Rights Action; McDonald’s CEO steps down ...

Our 2014 annual report summarizes important campaign victories and recognizes our most committed philanthropic partners who have made this work ...

Articles include: You shut out Big Tobacco from treaty talks; Kick-starting climate talks with lessons learned from the global tobacco ...

Man at UNFCCC protest

Big Energy is intentionally derailing progress, confusing the facts and posing half-measure “solutions” designed to keep corporate profits booming at the expense of meaningful progress to combat climate change.

Corporate Accountability organizers rally for action at UN climate summit.

Marching with our friends at Rainforest Action Network, we sent a clear message: to achieve meaningful progress, we need to Kick Big Energy Out of the Climate Talks and Challenge Corporate Power.

Articles include: Bringing high-pressure front to private water; Safeguarding fairness and democratic values; Real role models demand change at McDonald’s; ...

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