The GEO Group’s egregious track record –from exploiting captive labor to failing to respond to people’s medical needs make it a natural fit for the Corporate Hall of Shame.
“This week, the EU Parliament sided Big Oil instead of standing with people of the EU. ExxonMobil has known for ...
As this tax season comes to a close, it’s clear that corporations and the ultra-wealthy were the ones that made out the best under the Trump Administration’s 2017 tax cut. And that’s not surprising, given the enormous pressure they put on our elected officials to pass it. It’s time to hold corporations accountable for rigging the system.
The deputy campaigns director for Corporate Accountability writes about the double game played by big polluters and their lobbyists. To ...
The Trump administration's trade deal with Mexico and Canada could lock in higher drug prices. Act now and demand no handouts for Big Pharma in NAFTA 2.0.
By Patti Lynn. This article was produced by Earth | Food | Life, a project of the Independent Media Institute ...
Big Polluters are looking to expand offshore oil drilling, and Trump’s Department of the Interior is trying to let them. Speak out to oppose this dangerous move.
Read the latest updates on how we’re challenging abusive transnational corporations: from the halls of the U.N. climate treaty negotiations in Poland to the National Water Summit in Abuja, Nigeria.
Member Catherine Jampel speaks about how supporting Corporate Accountability allows her to live out the Jewish values of “repairing the world."
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, House Democrats unanimously passed H.R. 1, the For the People Act. The For the People Act ...