
Archives: Food

Corporate Accountability newsletter, Issue 2 2018

Articles include: Victory for democratic control of water; Choosing hope; You expose Philip Morris' phony foundation; Member spotlight: Margaret Hornick, and more!

Voting is now open in this year’s Corporate Hall of Shame! Take the first step toward holding some of the most abusive corporations accountable for profiting at the expense of people’s lives: vote for the most abusive corporation!

There’s a growing movement to stop McDonald’s from marketing in our schools. Here’s what you can do to help take that call to the national level.

The U.S. government, at the behest of the infant formula industry, bullied governments into weakening safeguards that protect mothers and newborns. Stand with us as we continue a 40 year legacy of challenging corporate abuse.

Corporate Accountability organizers and members ready to hold McDonald's accountable for its abuses at the McDonald's Shareholders' meeting.

Educator Karlana Kulseth spoke directly to McDonald’s executives and investors about the harm McTeacher’s Nights cause: Harm she saw with her own eyes when she worked at the burger chain as an assistant manager. These are her reflections on speaking face to face with McDonald’s top executives.

By Greg Trotter for the Chicago Tribune. For now anyway, McDonald’s is not phasing out plastic straws in its U.S. ...

Protesters at McDonald's shareholders' meeting

Over the last few weeks, tens of thousands of you have added your name to a list of demands to McDonald’s. Today, I’ll be delivering those demands to McDonald’s executives face-to-face at the corporation’s annual shareholders’ meeting.

My name is Karlana Kulseth, and I am an educator from our nation’s fifth largest school district in Las Vegas, ...

My name is Alexa Kaczmarski, presenting Proposal 4 – Shareholder Right to Act by Written Consent on behalf of John ...

In the coming weeks, we'll be organizing around the shareholders’ meetings of corporations like ExxonMobil, and McDonald’s. We need your support to make sure we have the strongest presence possible.

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Corporate Accountability is looking for a new Executive Director