
Archives: Food

On February 27, 2018, after a ten-year hiatus, McDonald’s and Disney announced they will be striking a deal allowing Disney ...

By Caitlin Dewey for The Washington Post. McDonald’s has long been a fixture at the Olympic Games, mobbed by hungry ...

Burgers and chicken nuggets are still the mainstay of the Happy Meal. But on Thursday McDonald's announced its goal to market more balanced kids meals around the globe.

The McDonald’s Happy Meal is about to get a makeover. On Thursday, the fast-food chain announced new nutrition standards for its kids’ meals and a series of upcoming menu swaps designed to make options for children healthier.

In a few days, President Trump will deliver the State of the Union address. One year into his presidency, corporate power run amok is devastating people’s lives. But you have the power to challenge corporate abuse and advance justice.

Whose tips? Our tips!

People that work in restaurants, and other service jobs, rely on the tips they earn to make ends meet. But the Trump administration is trying to ram through a new rule that would allow corporations to control their workers’ tips. Stand with workers and oppose this rule.

The debate over taxing sugary drinks has turned into a ferocious global policy brawl. In Colombia, proponents faced intimidation and censorship.

Following the U.S. presidential election, Cornel West wrote: “For us in these times, to even have hope is too abstract, too detached, too spectatorial. Instead we must be a hope, a participant and a force for good as we face this catastrophe.” That’s what we have committed to do together: Be a hope. Read the rest of Corporate Accountability's annual report.

By Anahad O’Connor, The New York Times. The sugar industry paid scientists in the 1960s to play down the link ...

Articles include: Blocking Trump’s privatization agenda; Now’s the time to challenge corporate power; Responding to Big Tobacco’s corruption, Kenya tackles ...

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