
Stopping corporate profiteering in the time of a pandemic

The current coronavirus pandemic has brought daily life to a grinding halt, upending the livelihoods of millions of people worldwide. Yet sadly, even in moments of crisis like this, corporations – and the mostly wealthy white men behind them – attempt to consolidate their power and force political and economic changes for their own benefit.

For more than forty years, Corporate Accountability has transformed inequitable and unjust systems – and we’re committed to seeing our mission through during this time of crisis. So in the coming weeks, we’ll continue waging our crucial long-term campaigns, and expose and challenge disaster capitalism as it rears its ugly head.

Our members are already alerting us to examples of corporate profiteering and abuse during this pandemic. And right now you too can play a vital role in shaping the public conversation about corporate profiteering in a time of crisis. If you have examples you want to share, fill out this form or email

We’ll be highlighting on this blog post examples you’ve sent in, which we will update as much as possible. We’ll also post about them on our Twitter and Facebook channels. And we plan to take direct action to further expose and challenge these corporate bad actors in the coming weeks.

Let’s make sure corporations and the rich and powerful behind them know the world is watching.

April 7, 2020

Paid leave for workers (or lack thereof): Demand that corporations put people before profit.

In a time when workers need more protection than less, the fast food industry is lobbying against providing paid sick leave to its employees. McDonald’s in particular have been pushing for changes to a coronavirus relief bill that would require its restaurants across the United States to give workers two weeks of paid sick leave. Cashiers and cooks went on strike last year to protest the fast food giant’s lack of  protection for its service workers and through Fight for 15 have made a list of demands ranging from paid sick leave to safety protocols for all employees, not just corporate but all who wear McDonald’s uniform. Read their demands and sign the petition here.

Here are some stories on the fast food industry’s worker policies that you sent in:

  • “Leaked McDonalds recording shows the company is fighting against parts of Trump’s coronavirus bill that would give workers paid sick leave,” Business Insider, March 18, 2020

Read the full story here.

  • “‘If you’re sick, they don’t care’: pandemic forces fast-food industry to review its policies,” The Guardian, March 13, 2020

Read the full story here.

  • “’If I Caught the Coronavirus, Would You Want Me Making Your Next Meal?’” The New York Times, March 19, 2020

Read the full story here.

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