We wage strategic campaigns that compel transnational corporations and the governments that do their bidding to stop destroying our health, human rights, democracy, and the planet.
Learn moreThanks to your action, Coca-Cola has announced that it will officially terminate ties with prominent food and soda industry front group, ILSI.
We believe a more sustainable food system is both necessary and possible. Everyone should have access to healthy food, and food production should not come at the expense of workers’ rights, animal welfare, or the environment. Corporations should not profit at the expense of our children’s health and people’s lives. McDonald’s is at the core of the problem. With its unparalleled demand for consistent and cheaply produced commodities, McDonald’s has done more to shape today’s food system than any other entity. By reining in the abuses of this fast food giant, we can reverse a deadly public health epidemic and help ensure a true food system transformation.
Learn more about our food campaign.In our food work, we partner with Real Food Media and author and advocate Anna Lappé on communications initiatives to bust Big Food myths. And we share the powerful solutions stories of communities around the country building a more just and sustainable food system. Real Food Media’s Food MythBusters video series takes on some of the biggest myths about food, including the myth that the junk food and fast food industry is just responding to consumer demand. Through videos, digital organizing, and media engagement, Anna and the Food MythBusters team reveal how much Big Food pushes its products, particularly in communities of color.
This report dives into how these corporations have leveraged the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) to cripple progress on nutrition policy across the globe.