
Archives: Climate

Big Polluters are looking to expand offshore oil drilling, and Trump’s Department of the Interior is trying to let them. Speak out to oppose this dangerous move.

Read the latest updates on how we’re challenging abusive transnational corporations: from the halls of the U.N. climate treaty negotiations in Poland to the National Water Summit in Abuja, Nigeria.

Convention hall of global tobacco treaty talks 2018

The global tobacco treaty presented a tool and precedent to hold corporations accountable for their abuses. Here’s why this concept is critical to meaningfully address the climate crisis.

Today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7 to 1 against the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) claim of immunity, ...

Trump’s nominee to head the Department of the Interior is a former oil and gas lobbyist with ties to abusive corporations like Nestlé. Tell your Senators to oppose his nomination!

By Patti Lynn, originally published in The Hill. Last week, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) introduced resolutions on a Green ...

Big Polluters’ decades of denial and obstruction got us into, and have allowed them to profit mightily from, the climate crisis. Big Polluters should pay for just solutions to mitigate and reverse its effects.

Today, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey are set to introduce a framework detailing the Green New Deal. Please ...

Please see below for Corporate Accountability Deputy Director: Campaigns Gigi Kellett’s statement: The World Bank has pushed policies and priorities ...

Today, many of the world’s largest polluters and plastics producers announced a coalition to reduce plastic waste. The coalition, made ...

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