
Archives: Tobacco

Corporate Accountability organizer speaking truth to power at the PMI shareholders' meeting

Whenever and however they happen, corporate shareholders' meetings are a tremendous opportunity for the campaigns we wage -- because on the most important day of the year for massive corporations, we get to speak truth directly to power.

Here’s some of how we at Corporate Accountability are caring for ourselves, each other, and the global community: We are working remotely and we are not traveling. We are showing up as we are; we are supporting each other across distance, leaning in to love rather than fear. We are connecting with each other, our allies, and our board digitally, exploring new ways to meet and organize so that we can contribute to the transformational change our world greatly needs, in solidarity with a broader movement for justice and liberation. We are staying grounded in our vision of a beautiful world where all people and living creatures can thrive.

Organizers at the UNFCCC climate negotiations holding signs.

Read the latest on how you’re building power toward a world where everyone can thrive.

New study shows that the tobacco industry’s efforts to preempt local public health policy with state laws has delayed the public health protections we enjoy today by an average of more than 10 years.

According to a new study by Dr. Eric Crosbie of University of Nevada, Reno and Dr. Laura Schmidt of the University of California, San Francisco, there are four key tactics the tobacco industry pursued in achieving preemption are now being modeled across abusive industries, and understanding them can be key in undoing and preventing the further proliferation of the food and beverage industry’s preemption push.

Learn more about the impact you're having in the Corporate Accountability Spotlight newsletter. 

Illustration of woman organizer, holding a mega phone and a clipboard, about to walk down a path to victory.

Your support is helping spur deep, transformative change. Read more about what you made possible this year with Corporate Accountability.

Together with you, Corporate Accountability stops transnational corporations from devastating democracy, trampling human rights, and destroying our planet. Read about what you've accomplished this month.

“Today, parties to the ILO Governing Body reached a decision that could permanently end its financial ties to the tobacco ...

Corporate Accountability spotlight newsletter

Read what you’ve made possible this spring, from sending a powerhouse team to organize at June’s U.N. climate treaty negotiations ...

Corporate Accountability
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Corporate Accountability is looking for a new Executive Director