I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy as we all do our part to respond to the global pandemic.
But sadly, in moments of crisis like this, corporations — and the mostly wealthy white men behind them — attempt to consolidate their power and force political and economic changes for their own benefit.
The Trump administration is already showing it intends to put corporations before people, whether by dumping $1.5 trillion to shore up banks and investment houses, or floating the idea of providing federal aid to the fracking industry.
At the same time, the insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry are trying to put their profits ahead of the health of hundreds of millions of people.
So in the coming weeks, we’ll continue waging our crucial long-term campaigns, but we’ll also expose and challenge disaster capitalism as it rears its ugly head.
And we need your help.
Please keep an eye out for examples of corporations taking advantage of the coronavirus for their own profit. And then let us know. Simply fill out this form, or send an email to watchdog@corporateaccountability.org.
For more than 40 years, Corporate Accountability has been working to transform inequitable and unjust systems — and we’re committed to continue through this crisis. And those 40-plus years of success holding corporations accountable has been because of the partnership in activism of people just like you.
And right now you can play a vital role in shaping the public conversation about corporate profiteering in a time of crisis. Together, we can expose the way corporate power undermines the needed funding of the government agencies that should have been doing more sooner, to protect public health.
The news is moving so rapidly that we truly need as many people as possible to keep an eye on how corporations are abusing their power in the face of coronavirus. So as you come across examples of this kind of disaster capitalism please share them with us. You can fill out this form with your example, or send them to us in an email to watchdog@corporateaccountability.org.
We’ll be keeping an up to date webpage with these stories, and we’ll post them on social media. And we plan to take direct action to further expose and challenge these corporate bad actors in the coming weeks.
Let’s make sure corporations and the rich and powerful behind them know the world is watching.
Thanks for all you do.