
Together, we are a force for change

I am so grateful for all of the ways that you’ve supported Corporate Accountability this year in challenging corporate abuse and advancing justice.

When hundreds of fossil fuel executives registered for the U.N. climate meetings to advance their agenda, your support helped mobilize thousands of people to take action to kick Big Polluters out.

And when industry lobbyists tried to funnel billions of dollars into private coffers through the national infrastructure bill, we and our allies secured $50 billion for public water systems — while keeping provisions for corporations like Veolia out.

And as corporations were exploiting Juneteenth as a PR moment to advance their image, we exposed their underlying motives. For example, we created a graphic representation of Wells Fargo’s history of racism and abuse. And then, we mobilized members like you to support H.R. 40, pushing forward the work for national legislation on reparations.

This is just a snapshot of the impact that we’ve had together this year. You can read more about what you’ve made possible in the 2022 Annual Report.

When you read the report, you’ll see just how pivotal you are in this movement to hold corporations accountable for the harms they are causing.

Tens of thousands of people — including you! — took action with us or gave a gift to challenge corporate abuse. Your support made it possible to redistribute hundreds of thousands of dollars to organizations around the world who are directly impacted by and are organizing to challenge corporate power.

You are truly a force for change, and I’m grateful to do this work in partnership with you. In times when there is so much that could cause despair, you keep rising up. I’m inspired by what we make possible together as we work toward a just world.

Image credit: Paloma Rae