We wage strategic campaigns that compel transnational corporations and the governments that do their bidding to stop destroying our health, human rights, democracy, and the planet.
Learn moreToday in the start of the Anti-Chevron week of action. Here’s how you can get involved!
We know a different, better world is not only possible but absolutely necessary. And we will only achieve a better world if we have true democracy — where policies are set and decisions are made for the common good, not to serve the interests of the powerful few.
Corporate Accountability has a role to play in achieving such a democracy. With our members and allies, we’ve challenged corporate power globally — and won — for forty years. Today, we are joining with even more people and organizations to reclaim our democracy from corporate control — not just in the U.S., but also in partnership with allies around the world.
Together, we are freeing our democratic institutions from corporate manipulation. And we are advancing lifesaving policy on issues vital to our survival, like climate and water, to put people first and create a sustainable, thriving world.
Learn more about our democracy work.Amid the widespread corporate impunity and ongoing corporate capture of public decision-making spaces, members of ESCR-Net’s Corporate Accountability Working Group have come together over the past few years calling for a U.N. treaty to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises.
This video introduces a new comic series launched by the members of ESCR-Net, which illustrates how together, we can stop the corporate capture of the United Nations.
Social movements are demanding a treaty that holds corporations accountable for abuse across the globe. Here's how we get there.