New analysis finds some of the fossil fuel industry’s most vocal surrogates for climate denial and propaganda are well-represented at COP28.

A heap of plastic drink bottles and soda cans.

Relatório revela que os gigantes de alimentos e bebidas empregam uma rede de iniciativas de RSE com pouca responsabilização que ...

Report finds food and beverage giants employ a web of CSR initiatives with little accountability that could slow global progress on plastic pollution, water access, and sustainable agriculture

U.N. negotiation room, with a hundred wooden chairs set up in a circle, people facing inward, and a few attendees seated by their computers and microphones.

Civil society stops the chair's attempts to halt all progress on the TNC treaty, a tool meant to hold corporations accountable for its harms.

Original article by Michael R. Blood for the Associated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) — The state of California filed a ...

Michél Legendre, climate organizer at Corporate Accountability on California's lawsuit against the fossil fuel industry.