A heap of plastic drink bottles and soda cans.

Relatório revela que os gigantes de alimentos e bebidas empregam uma rede de iniciativas de RSE com pouca responsabilização que ...

Report finds food and beverage giants employ a web of CSR initiatives with little accountability that could slow global progress on plastic pollution, water access, and sustainable agriculture

Un informe revela que los gigantes de la alimentación y las bebidas emplean una red de iniciativas de RSE con ...

Nathalie Rengifo Alvarez speaks directly to executives and shareholders at McDonald's annual meeting, demanding full political disclosure.

Alejandra Parra of the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives speaks out against PepsiCo's plastic pollution at annual shareholders' meeting. 

Statement was delivered by Dr. Marcos Arana, director of the Observatory on the Right to Health, at Coca-Cola's annual meeting.